Using emails with your very own domain name is way more handy plus it will give you more trustworthiness as a firm in case you correspond with partners. Such an email address will also look far better in case a random visitor on your web site contacts you using a feedback form and you need to reply. How convenient it will be to manage your electronic mail correspondence is usually as important as the quality of the service, since some web hosting Control Panels make it quite difficult and time-consuming to handle basic duties such as providing anti-spam protection or forwarding your e-mail messages. Because of this, you should take advantage of an e-mail service that will permit you to access everything easily and which will help make the control over your emails quick and easy.

Advanced E-mail Manager in Cloud Web Hosting

With the advanced Email Manager tool that you will get as a part of our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel in case you order a cloud web hosting plan, you will handily have all e-mail options that you will ever require in a single place and only a few clicks away. As soon as you start using the tool, you're able to see all the mailboxes that you have for your domain names and if any of them is a catch-all one or it features forwarding and anti-spam protection. These functions are enabled or disabled as handily as clicking a button. More advanced options, for instance adding SPF protection, are accessible via quick access buttons and right-click context menus. You can also access the webmail for any mailbox or download an auto-setup file for Outlook, Thunderbird and Apple Mail in the same section. The Email Manager is simple enough to be used by users with minimum technical experience and it comes with lots of detailed help articles. Furthermore, it offers options for advanced users as well and it will save you time and efforts even for more complicated activities.

Advanced E-mail Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers

All of our semi-dedicated server packages come with a user-friendly Email Manager tool which will provide you with access to all types of options connected to your e-mail addresses. Since the software instrument is part of our custom-made Hepsia hosting Control Panel, it also comes with the very same easy-to-use and intuitive interface, which means that you'll be able to take care of your e-mail correspondence comfortably even when you have never had a hosting account before. You will be able to set up or delete your new mailbox with 2 clicks and right-clicking on a current one will provide you with accessibility to more advanced options for example forwarding, anti-spam protection and creating a catch-all mailbox. More experienced users may use the Email Manager to set up and take care of e-mail lists or set up SPF protection for a given domain name. From the exact same section you can access the webmail with just a couple of mouse-clicks or download auto-configuration files for popular email clients like Apple Mail or Outlook.