PHP, which is an acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, is one of the most popular server-side coding languages out there. Any site or Internet application created with PHP will run on a given server provided that a PHP module is activated, which makes the language truly universal and it is barely a surprise that there are a couple of million servers that support it and 100s of millions of PHP-driven websites hosted on them. PHP is preferred over HTML due to the fact that it enables you to develop an interactive website with a huge number of features. A PHP-based community portal, for example, will display different web content to each visitor irrespective of the fact that the page URL will not change. By contrast, HTML-based websites are static and the page content itself can be updated only manually. Just like any other software, PHP has different versions and the version that was used whilst developing a specific website must be available on the server in order for the site to behave properly.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Cloud Web Hosting

We have reached a decision not to prevent our current and future customers from picking the PHP version that their sites will be using, which suggests that if you purchase a cloud web hosting package from our company, you’ll be able to choose between versions 4, 5 and 7, not only for the account itself, but also for each individual domain name that you host. This can be accomplished with only one single click of the mouse from our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel via which all shared web hosting accounts are administered, which is the reason why you won’t need any technical or programming knowledge. You’ll be able to run websites based on both new and old PHP-based scripts without having to overcome any impediments, so if you want to drop your present hosting supplier and move over to us, you can be sure that all the websites that you’ve created over the years will continue to work impeccably.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated plans support multiple versions of PHP, so you’ll be able to run all the web-based apps that you have developed over the years. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with each semi-dedicated server account, will enable you to activate the needed version with a single click. You can pick between PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8. In case you’d like to host multiple websites under the same account and they have special requirements respecting the web hosting platform, you will be able to pick a different PHP version for each of them regardless of which version has been enabled for the account as a whole. That’s accomplishable owing to our custom cloud platform, which allows us to run several PHP versions all at once. In comparison, most web hosting providers usually offer one, in exceptionally rare cases – two versions.